主题 : at91sam9263 实现了800x600 显示开机LOGO(   UBOOT 2009.11 ) 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
级别: 新手上路
UID: 48698
精华: 0
发帖: 2
金钱: 10 两
威望: 2 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 4 分
注册时间: 2011-06-03
最后登录: 2017-09-13
楼主  发表于: 2011-06-03 12:00

 at91sam9263 实现了800x600 显示开机LOGO(   UBOOT 2009.11 )

#######################################UBOOT 2009.11版#############################################################
下载地址  http://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/
cd /mnt/mydrives/u-boot-1.3/u-boot-2009.11/

ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-
#CROSS_COMPILE = arm-linux-
CROSS_COMPILE = /home/zhh/arm-softfloat-linux-gnu/bin/arm-softfloat-linux-gnu-

我的目录是/usr/local/arm/4.4.3/arm-linux-  可以在/etc目录里是之environment  添加arm-linux- 路径

实验了多种ARM-linux 均可以编译成功 所以采用此版本  实现了800x600   UBOOT开机显示LOGO

########################################at91sam9263ek.h 添加代码如下#################################################
Bootstrap-v1.14- /mnt/mydrives/Bootstrap-v1.14-knh/board/at91sam9263ek/nandflash/at91sam9263ek.h 添加代码如下

#define IMG_ADDRESS     0x20000        /* Image Address in NandFlash */
#define    IMG_SIZE    0xB0000        /* Image Size in NandFlash    */
因为新编译的uboot.bin 太大了有670多K 所以要修改参数IMG_SIZE  否则uboot不能正常启动

##############################at91sam9263ek.h 添加代码如下###########################################################
at91sam9263ek.h 添加代码如下
/* LCD */
#define CONFIG_LCD            1
#define LCD_BPP                LCD_COLOR8
#define CONFIG_LCD_LOGO            1
#define CONFIG_LCD_INFO            1
#define CONFIG_ATMEL_LCD        1

#define CONFIG_VIDEO_BMP_GZIP           1    /* gzip compressed bmp images */
#define CONFIG_SYS_VIDEO_LOGO_MAX_SIZE (4 << 20)  /* for decompressed img */
#define CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_VIDEO_MODE 0x31a       /* 1280x1024,16bpp */

#define CONFIG_CMD_BMP             1
#define CONFIG_VIDEO_LOGO               1
#define CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN            1

#define CONFIG_SYS_USE_NANDFLASH         1


/* bootstrap + u-boot + env + linux in dataflash on CS0 */
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET        0x4200
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE        0x4200
#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND    "cp.b 0xC0042000 0x22000000 0x210000; bootm"
#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS        "console=ttyS0,115200 " \
                "root=/dev/mtdblock0 " \
                "mtdparts=atmel_nand:-(root) "\
                "rw rootfstype=jffs2"


//#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY       3
#define CONFIG_BOOTDELAY        1
#define CONFIG_ETHADDR            08:90:90:90:90:91

/* bootstrap + u-boot + env + linux in nandflash */
#define CONFIG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND        1
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET        0xC0000 //0x60000  编译uboot比较大 需要重新设定地址
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE            0x20000        /* 1 sector = 128 kB */

#define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND        "setenv boot bootm 22200000\
                    ;setenv nf_kernel nand read 22200000 200000 200000\
                    ;if itest.b $ftpflag -eq 0; then run ftpdown; fi\
                    ;run nf_kernel;run boot;"

#define CONFIG_BOOTARGS                "mem=62M  console=ttyS0,115200 ubi.mtd=1 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw"

#define    CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS                    \
    "linuximg=uImage800x600\0"                    \
    "fsimg=ubi_175M.img\0"                        \
    "linstartaddr=0x22200000\0"                    \
    "fsstartaddr=0x21400000\0"                    \
    "linaddr=0x200000\0"                        \
    "fsaddr=0x4000000\0"                        \
    "ftpflag=0\0"                            \
    "ftpdown=tftp $linstartaddr $linuximg; "            \
        "nand write $linstartaddr $linaddr 0x200000; "        \
        "tftp $fsstartaddr $fsimg; "                \
        "nand write.i $fsstartaddr $fsaddr 0x1840000; "        \
        "setenv ftpflag 1; "                    \
        "saveenv; "                        \
        "boot; "                        \


##############################at91sam9263ek.c 添加代码如下###########################################################
vidinfo_t panel_info = {
    vl_col:        240,
    vl_row:        320,
    vl_clk:        4965000,
    vl_bpix:    3,
    vl_tft:        1,
    vl_hsync_len:    5,
    vl_left_margin:    1,
    vl_vsync_len:    1,
    mmio:        AT91SAM9263_LCDC_BASE,
vidinfo_t panel_info = {

  vl_col:      800,
  vl_row:      600,
  vl_clk:      800*600*40,
  vl_bpix:     3,
  vl_tft:      1,
  vl_hsync_len:     10,
  vl_left_margin:   11,
  vl_right_margin: 152,
  vl_vsync_len:      5,
  vl_upper_margin:  23,
  vl_lower_margin:  23,
  mmio:        AT91SAM9263_LCDC_BASE,

void lcd_enable(void)
    at91_set_gpio_value(AT91_PIN_PA30, 1);  /* power up */

void lcd_disable(void)
    at91_set_gpio_value(AT91_PIN_PA30, 0);  /* power down */
static void at91sam9263ek_lcd_hw_init(void)
    at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC0, 0);    /* LCDHSYNC */
    at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC1, 0);    /* LCDHSYNC */
    at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC2, 0);    /* LCDDOTCK */
    at91_set_A_periph(AT91_PIN_PC3, 0);    /* LCDDEN */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PB9, 0);    /* LCDCC */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC4, 0);    /* LCDD3 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC5, 0);    /* LCDD4 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC6, 0);    /* LCDD5 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC7, 0);    /* LCDD6 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC8, 0);    /* LCDD7 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC9, 0);    /* LCDD10 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC10, 0);    /* LCDD11 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC11, 0);    /* LCDD12 */
        at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC12, 0);    /* LCDD13 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC13, 0);    /* LCDD14 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC14, 0);    /* LCDD15 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC15, 0);    /* LCDD19 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC16, 0);    /* LCDD20 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC17, 0);    /* LCDD21 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC18, 0);    /* LCDD22 */
    at91_set_B_periph(AT91_PIN_PC19, 0);    /* LCDD23 */
    at91_sys_write(AT91_PMC_PCER, 1 << AT91SAM9263_ID_LCDC);

    /* External Memory Map */
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_0    0x10000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_1    0x20000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_2    0x30000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_3    0x40000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_4    0x50000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_5    0x60000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_6    0x70000000
    #define AT91_CHIPSELECT_7    0x80000000
    //gd->fb_base = AT91SAM9263_SRAM0_BASE;
    gd->fb_base = AT91_CHIPSELECT_1 + 60*1024*1024;
    //指向外部内存的高端地址 我的电路版的内存大小是64M 所以指向60M的位置
        //原来 setenv bootargs 'mem=64M console=ttyS0,11520 ubi.mtd=1 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw'
        //对应修改 setenv bootargs 'mem=60M console=ttyS0,11520 ubi.mtd=1 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw'

##############################lcd.c文件的改动 添加代码###########################################################
void DispLogoProgress ( int data )
    unsigned int X1 = 0; //进度条外框
    unsigned int Y1 = 0;
    unsigned int X2 = 0;
    unsigned int Y2 = 0;
    unsigned int  i =0;
    unsigned int  j =0;

    X1 = (lcd_line_length-BMP_LOGO_WIDTH)/2; //进度条外框
    Y1 = BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT + ((panel_info.vl_row-BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT)/2);
    X2 = (lcd_line_length-BMP_LOGO_WIDTH)/2 + BMP_LOGO_WIDTH;
    Y2 = BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT + ((panel_info.vl_row-BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT)/2); + 30;

    int n = ( X2 - X1 - 6 ) / 100.0 * data + X1;
    for ( i = ( Y1 + 3 ) * lcd_line_length ; i < ( Y2 - 3 ) * lcd_line_length; i += lcd_line_length )
        for ( j = ( X1 + 3 ) ; j < n; j+= 1 )
            *((volatile unsigned char *)(lcd_base+i+j)) = COLOR_MASK(lcd_getbgcolor());

void DispLogoProgressInit ( void )
    unsigned int X1 = (lcd_line_length-BMP_LOGO_WIDTH)/2; //进度条外框
    unsigned int Y1 = BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT + ((panel_info.vl_row-BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT)/2);
    unsigned int X2 = (lcd_line_length-BMP_LOGO_WIDTH)/2 + BMP_LOGO_WIDTH;
    unsigned int Y2 = BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT + ((panel_info.vl_row-BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT)/2); + 30;
    unsigned int  i =0;

    for ( i = Y1*lcd_line_length+X1 ; i < Y1*lcd_line_length+X2; i+= 1 ) //上横线
        *((volatile unsigned char *)((unsigned long)lcd_base + i)) = COLOR_MASK(lcd_getbgcolor());
    for ( i = Y2*lcd_line_length+X1 ; i < Y2*lcd_line_length+X2; i+= 1 )//下横线
        *((volatile unsigned char *)((unsigned long)lcd_base + i)) = COLOR_MASK(lcd_getbgcolor());
    for ( i = ( Y1 )*lcd_line_length + X1 ; i <= ( Y2 )*lcd_line_length; i += lcd_line_length )
        *((volatile unsigned char *)( lcd_base + i + 0 )) = COLOR_MASK(lcd_getbgcolor());//左边框
        *((volatile unsigned char *)( lcd_base + i +(X2-X1) )) = COLOR_MASK(lcd_getbgcolor());//右边框

##############################bmp_logo.c文件的改动 添加代码###########################################################
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int    i, x;
    FILE    *fp;
    bitmap_t bmp;
    bitmap_t *b = %26bmp;
    uint16_t data_offset;
        uint16_t n_colors;

    if (argc < 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s file\n", argv[0]);
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    if ((fp = fopen (argv[1], "rb")) == NULL) {
        perror (argv[1]);
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    if (fgetc (fp) != 'B' || fgetc (fp) != 'M')
        error ("Input file is not a bitmap", fp);

     * read width and height of the image, and the number of colors used;
     * ignore the rest
    skip_bytes (fp, 8);
    if (fread (%26data_offset, sizeof (uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1)
        error ("Couldn't read bitmap data offset", fp);
    skip_bytes (fp, 6);
    if (fread (%26b->width,   sizeof (uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1)
        error ("Couldn't read bitmap width", fp);
    skip_bytes (fp, 2);
    if (fread (%26b->height,  sizeof (uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1)
        error ("Couldn't read bitmap height", fp);
    skip_bytes (fp, 22);
    if (fread (%26n_colors, sizeof (uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1)
        error ("Couldn't read bitmap colors", fp);
    skip_bytes (fp, 6);

     * Repair endianess.
    data_offset = le_short(data_offset);
    b->width = le_short(b->width);
    b->height = le_short(b->height);
    n_colors = le_short(n_colors);

    /* assume we are working with an 8-bit file */
    if ((n_colors == 0) || (n_colors > 256 - DEFAULT_CMAP_SIZE)) {
        /* reserve DEFAULT_CMAP_SIZE color map entries for default map */
        n_colors = 256 - DEFAULT_CMAP_SIZE;

    printf ("/*\n"
        " * Automatically generated by \"tools/bmp_logo\"\n"
        " *\n"
        " * DO NOT EDIT\n"
        " *\n"
        " */\n\n\n"
        "#ifndef __BMP_LOGO_H__\n"
        "#define __BMP_LOGO_H__\n\n"
        "#define BMP_LOGO_WIDTH\t\t%d\n"
        "#define BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT\t\t%d\n"
        "#define BMP_LOGO_COLORS\t\t%d\n"
        "#define BMP_LOGO_OFFSET\t\t%d\n"
        b->width, b->height, n_colors,

    /* allocate memory */
    if ((b->data = (uint8_t *)malloc(b->width * b->height)) == NULL)
        error ("Error allocating memory for file", fp);

    /* read and print the palette information */
    printf ("unsigned short bmp_logo_palette[] = {\n");

    for (i=0; i<n_colors; ++i) {
        b->palette[(int)(i*3+2)] = fgetc(fp);
        b->palette[(int)(i*3+1)] = fgetc(fp);
        b->palette[(int)(i*3+0)] = fgetc(fp);

        printf ("%s0x0%X%X%X,%s",
            ((i%8) == 0) ? "\t" : "  ",
            (b->palette[(int)(i*3+0)] >> 4) %26 0x0F,
            (b->palette[(int)(i*3+1)] >> 4) %26 0x0F,
            (b->palette[(int)(i*3+2)] >> 4) %26 0x0F,
            ((i%8) == 7) ? "\n" : ""

    /* seek to offset indicated by file header */
    fseek(fp, (long)data_offset, SEEK_SET);

    /* read the bitmap; leave room for default color map */
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("};\n");
    printf ("\n");
    printf ("unsigned char bmp_logo_bitmap[] = {\n");
    for (i=(b->height-1)*b->width; i>=0; i-=b->width)
        for (x = 0; x < b->width; x++)
            b->data[(uint32_t) i + x] = (uint8_t) fgetc (fp) \
                        + DEFAULT_CMAP_SIZE;
    fclose (fp);

    for (i=0; i<(b->height*b->width); ++i)
        if ((i%8) == 0)
            putchar ('\t');
        printf ("0x%02X,%c",
            ((i%8) == 7) ? '\n' : ' '
    printf ("\n"
        "#endif /* __BMP_LOGO_H__ */\n"

    return (0);
进入/mnt/mydrives/u-boot-1.3/u-boot-2009.11/tools/logos  目录 替换atmel.bmp 图   换成自己想要的800x600图 256色
[root@localhost u-boot-1.3.4]# make clean
[root@localhost u-boot-1.3.4]# make distclean
[root@localhost u-boot-1.3.4]# make at91sam9263ek_config
[root@localhost u-boot-1.3.4]# make at91sam9263ek_nandflash_config

[root@localhost u-boot-1.3.4]# make

[ 此帖被dingfuqing在2011-06-07 11:40重新编辑 ]
级别: 新手上路
UID: 55682
精华: 0
发帖: 25
金钱: 125 两
威望: 25 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 50 分
注册时间: 2011-09-21
最后登录: 2017-03-08
1楼  发表于: 2011-10-07 09:54
It's time....
级别: 侠客
UID: 20328
精华: 0
发帖: 79
金钱: 410 两
威望: 82 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 158 分
注册时间: 2010-04-29
最后登录: 2015-05-22
2楼  发表于: 2012-01-09 09:15

 Re:at91sam9263 实现了800x600 显示开机LOGO(   UBOOT 2009.11 )

mark  at91