主题 : 烧到 Tiny210 NAND Flash 还是烧到 Tiny210 SD 卡? 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
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楼主  发表于: 2012-04-20 03:58

 烧到 Tiny210 NAND Flash 还是烧到 Tiny210 SD 卡?

请问以下的操作过程是将 Android System 烧到 Tiny210 NAND Flash
还是烧到 Tiny210 SD 卡?

1. Insert a TF-card card into the PC(by TF-card reader).
2. run the SD-Flasher.exe tools(position: CD:/tools/SD-Flasher.exe) with administrator
privileges, then it will open the dialog that show "Select your Machine", please choose
"Tiny210/Tiny210", and click "Next".
3. At the "Image File to Fuse:" item, choose the "superboot.bin" file.(Step 1)
4. Click Scan in the tools, The Sd card will be show in the SD Driver item.(Step 2)
5. Click Fuse, The superboot.bin will be burn into the SD card.(Step 3)
• SD-Flasher.exe Position -> CD:/tools/SD-Flasher.exe
• superboot.bin Position -> CD:/images
If you useing Win7 system, You should run the SD-Flasher.exe as Administator, and click
"Scan", "Relayout!" Before doing the above step.

2.1.2 Copy the system Image to TF-card
Copy "images" folder into the TF-card.
Notice: "images" position -> CD:/images
If you want to burn the image you build, you can replace the image with the image you build.
In the follow step, We will introduce the method to burn the 5.6"LCD image to flash, If you use
the others LCD, you can edit the configure file FriendlyARM.ini file (position:
2.2 Android system update
Step 1. In PC, open the file "images/FriendlyARM.ini" in TF-card and edit some item as
#This line cannot be removed. by FriendlyARM(www.arm9.net)
Action = Install
OS = Android
LowFormat = Yes
VerifyNandWrite = No
LCD-Mode = No
StatusType = Beeper | LED
################### Android ####################
Android-BootLoader = superboot-210-20110928.bin
Android-Kernel = Android/zImage
Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200 init=/linuxrc
androidboot.console=s3c2410_serial0 lcd=W50
Android-RootFs-InstallImage = Android/rootfs_android.img
Step 2. Setting your LCD type by editing the Android-CommandLine in the FriendlyARM.ini

Notice: lcd=W50 --> 5.0"LCD
Lcd=A70 --> A7.0"LCD
Lcd=S70 --> S7.0"LCD

Step 3. Set the board as SD card boot mode(set S2 for SDBOOT), and insert the TF-card to
the board.
Step 4. Power on the board, the buzzer will ring one times.
Step 5. Check the board LED and Buzzer, Buzzer will ring a bit of times, then it means update
the system success.
Step 6. Set the board boot from the nand flash, and boot it again, you will enter the android
system, for the first boot, it will calibrate the touchscreen
级别: 论坛版主
UID: 12573
精华: 27
发帖: 8838
金钱: 46490 两
威望: 9298 点
贡献值: 27 点
综合积分: 18216 分
注册时间: 2010-01-09
最后登录: 2019-07-16
1楼  发表于: 2012-04-20 06:54



[注]: 此处签名链接仅为指引方向,而非解答问题本身.