主题 : wince6.0  6410 串口不能打印RETAILMSG()信息 复制链接 | 浏览器收藏 | 打印
级别: 新手上路
UID: 104031
精华: 0
发帖: 12
金钱: 60 两
威望: 12 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 24 分
注册时间: 2014-05-12
最后登录: 2014-10-13
楼主  发表于: 2014-08-25 15:22

 wince6.0  6410 串口不能打印RETAILMSG()信息

如题, 从论坛上看到过解决方案,按照用户手册, 将option.h中的 #define KITL_SERIAL_UART0 注释取消,串口1在系统烧写和开机初始化时都有调试信息打印,但是应用程序下,却无法打印流驱动中 函数RETAILMSG()的信息,这样驱动开发就没法做了,请问是什么问题,还需要修改那些文件才能让串口1打印出RETAILMSG()的信息?

Booting from NAND

Superboot6410 V131225

Reading...Launch Windows CE...
Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Sep 25 2009 at 11:04:23
[OAL] ++OEMInit()
[OAL] S3C6410_APLL_CLK   : 532000000
[OAL] ARMCLK : 532000000
[OAL] HCLK   : 133000000
[OAL] PCLK   : 66500000
[OAL] InitializeGPIO()
[OAL] InitializeCLKSource()
[OAL] InitializeCLKGating()
[OAL] InitializeBlockPower()
DCache: 128 sets, 4 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 128 sets, 4 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
Arguments area is initialized
+OALTimerInit( 1, 33249, 0 )
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 38, sysIntr = 16)
[OAL] --OEMInit()
-[FMD:INF] FMD_Init() : Read ID = 0x449510DA
[FMD] FMD_Init() : NUM_OF_BLOCKS = 2048
[FMD] FMD_Init() : type is SLC1
[OAL] Not Clear System Hive
[OAL] Not Clear User Hive
[OAL] Not Clear System Hive
WARN: OALIoCtlHalGetHWEntropy: Buffer too small
[PWRCON]  PWC_Init***
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 40, sysIntr = 18)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 19, sysIntr = 19)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 23, sysIntr = 20)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 20, sysIntr = 21)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 88, sysIntr = 22)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 73, sysIntr = 23)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 74, sysIntr = 24)
[HSMMC0] Initializing the HSMMC Host Controller
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 94, sysIntr = 25)
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC1] Initializing the HSMMC Host Controller
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 7, sysIntr = 26)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 95, sysIntr = 27)
[HSMMC0] Card is Inserted!
[HSMMC1] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC1] Card is Inserted!
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC0] Setting for 1 bit mode , Clock Rate = 100000 Hz
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
ERR CMD:5 : If the card is not a SDIO, CMD 5 does not work in reason.
ERR CMD:1 : If the card is not a MMC, CMD 1 does not work in reason.
[HSMMC1] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[HSMMC1] Setting for 1 bit mode , Clock Rate = 100000 Hz
[HSMMC1] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
ERR CMD:5 : If the card is not a SDIO, CMD 5 does not work in reason.
ERR CMD:8 : If the card is not SD SPEC 2.0, CMD 8 does not work in reason.
ERR CMD:1 : If the card is not a MMC, CMD 1 does not work in reason.
ERR CMD:55 : [HSMMC1] CMD Timeout Error...
<Davicom DM9000A driver for WinCE 6.0>
[dm9: Tries to map io space with 18000000]
[dm9: The mapped address is D2A90000]
[dm9: Chip signature is 0A469000]
MAC: e0-aa-c8-de-63-52
[UFNPDD] USB Serial Function Class Enabled
[USB] dii.dwIrq = 96
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 96, sysIntr = 28)
Current Client "Serial_Class"
[UFNPDD] USB Serial Function Class Enabled
[SDBUS] SD Card Spec Version : 2.00
[SDBUS] SD/SDHC supports the high-speed mode.
[HSMMC0] Setting for 4 bit mode , Clock Rate = 50000000 Hz
[HSMMC0] Turn OFF the F/B delay control.
[UFNPDD] OTG Cable Attached
[USBH] HcdPdd_Init()

[USBH] ++InitializeOHCI()

[USBH] --InitializeOHCI() : Success

-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 13, sysIntr = 29)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 14, sysIntr = 30)
++[SPI] HSP_Init Function
[SPI] HW_Init is completed
+[SPI] InitializeBuffer
-[SPI] InitializeBuffer
[SPI] InitializeBuffer is completed
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 86, sysIntr = 31)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 65, sysIntr = 32)
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 66, sysIntr = 33)
--[SPI] HSP_Init Function

[MFC POWER] Power is up.
[MFC POWER] Power is down-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 26, sysIntr = 34)
MFC Interrupt has been initialized.

[MFC POWER] Power is up.
[MFC POWER] Power is down-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 18, sysIntr = 36)
WDT: Init
[DISPDRV] S3C6410Disp:Close URBprobar thread
[DISPDRV] S3C6410Disp::S3C6410Disp()
Display number, name 3, S70
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 21, sysIntr = 37)
2D Sysintr : 37
FriendlyARM CON1 is 0x00000060

ChangeDisplaySettingsEx changed rotation angle to 0
-OALIntrRequestSysIntr(irq = 37, sysIntr = 38)
级别: 新手上路
UID: 104031
精华: 0
发帖: 12
金钱: 60 两
威望: 12 点
贡献值: 0 点
综合积分: 24 分
注册时间: 2014-05-12
最后登录: 2014-10-13
1楼  发表于: 2014-08-25 19:39

 回 1楼(wuweidong) 的帖子
